Keep Your Memories Safe

Digital photo albums require you to digitize your photos, allowing you to keep copies of precious pictures on an electronic storage device. This process doesn’t destroy your photos, meaning that while you’re using and editing your photos in a digital album, the physical photos are safe wherever you want to store them. Even if something happens to your physical photos, you can restore them from your computer with a digital copy.

If you lack a high-quality scanner for older photos, you can invest in paying for a service like DiJiFi to convert them for you. Even if you have a scanner, professionals can scan more types of photos than you can imagine and can even go as far as to convert medium-format negatives to digital photos. Yes, that means we can convert those old film negatives in the little black film tubes you might be holding on to! Opening up the option to add photos from medium- or large-format negatives and negative strips could add an impressive talking point to your digital photo albums.